Easy Recipes

Fried Eggplant with Sweet Sauce Bowl


This is a perfect home lunch bowl using fried eggplant. The combination of sweet and spicy sauce-coated fried eggplant, soft-boiled egg, and rice is incredibly delicious and will surely make you reach for more. Using Veggie Maria’s fried eggplant saves the effort of frying, allowing for a quick and easy preparation. (Ingredients for two people)

Veggie Maria Fried Eggplant 100g
Ginger Half clove
A Sweet cooking sake Tbsp 2
A Soy Sauce Tbsp 1
Soft-boiled egg 2
Rice 2 Bowls
Sesame seeds Appropriate amount
Red pepper Appropriate amount
Chopped green onion Appropriate amount


  • Thaw the frozen eggplant in the microwave. Julienne the ginger.
  • In a small pot, add Ingredients A and julienned ginger, bring to a boil and reduce slightly before adding the eggplant to coat.
  • Serve rice in a bowl, top with the eggplant mixture from step 2, sprinkle with shredded chili pepper, chopped green onions, and sesame seeds, and finally top with a soft-boiled egg.

Products used in this recipe