Easy Recipes

Egg en Cocotte with Fava Beans


This is a vegetable-rich cocotte made simply by mixing frozen fava beans and cherry tomatoes from Veggie Maria into an easy cocotte mixture. Since all you need to do is mix the ingredients and bake, it’s perfect for breakfast. Baked in small foil cups, it also makes a great addition to your lunchbox. (Ingredients for two people)

Veggie Maria Fava Beens 100g
Veggie Maria Cherry Tomatoes 100g
A Egg 1
A Melt Cheese 50g
A Fresh Cream 100cc


  • Microwave the frozen fava beans and peel them. Microwave the frozen cherry tomatoes as well.
  • Mix all of A in a bowl.
  • Put the mixture from step 1 in a heat-resistant dish, pour the mixture from step 2 over it, and bake in a toaster for 7-10 minutes. If the surface starts to burn during baking, cover it with foil.